Bosen sama lagu yang itu-itu aja? Pingin cari lagu yang greget tapi bikin kamu cinta sama perdamaian? Coba deh dengerin lagu-lagu dari playlist Peace Song ini. Di sini kamu bisa dengerin 17 lagu tentang perdamaian yang dibuat oleh para Duta Peace Generation. Tidak hanya seniman dalam negeri, seniman mancanegara juga ikut meramaikan playlist Peace Song ini, loh!
Mau tau juga keseruan para duta Peace Generation menyebarkan perdamaian ke seluruh negeri? Ikuti kegiatan mereka di website:
- 17 lagu yang bercerita tentang perdamaian.
- Fitur "Lirik" biar kamu bisa karaukean sambil ngedengerin lagu Peace Song.
- Sambil dengerin lagu jangan lupa coba keseruan membuat irama sendiri di fitur "Games".
- Fitur "Streaming" untuk melihat music video dari lagu kesukaanmu di playlist Peace Song.
- Jika kamu pingin ikut mendonasi kegiatan Peace Generation, kamu dapat melihat infonya di fitur "Donasi".
Penasaran? Come on, download and enjoy this apps!
Kritik dan saran Anda akan sangat berguna untuk perkembangan aplikasi ini menjadi lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat berterima kasih
jika Anda meluangkan waktu untuk me-rate aplikasi ini. Atau via email Jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi website kami di
Bored with the song-it wrote? Pingin find songs catchy but make you love with peace? Try it listen to songs from the playlist's Peace Song. Here you can listen to 17 songs about peace made by the Ambassador of Peace Generation. Not only artists in the country, foreign artists also enliven this playlist Peace Song, loh!
Want to know also the excitement of the ambassadors Peace Generation spreading peace throughout the land? Follow their activities on the website:
- 17 song about peace.
- The "lyrics" let you be karaukean while ngedengerin song Peace Song.
- As I listen to the song Do not forget to try the fun of making their own rhythm in the feature "Games".
- The "Stream" to see the music videos of your favorite song in the playlist Peace Song.
- If you come to donate pingin Peace Generation activities, you can see the info on the features of the "Donate".
Curious? Come on, download and enjoy this apps!
Criticisms and suggestions will be very useful for the development of this application the better. Therefore, we are very grateful
if you take the time to me-this application rate. Or via email Do not forget to visit our website at